Monday, May 3, 2010

somehow i always seem to find time during midterms/finals to post a lot on my blogs XD.
it has been so humid out lately that ive been putting my short hair up in a pony tail..,.,its been so long since i tied my hair back (*_*).  it's not a long tail but hopefully by the end of summer it will be!!  humid weather or even warm weather can help hair grow faster~ if you noticed that you have to shave your legs a lot during the summer time more than the winter.,,.its because of the weather (*w*). fun fact! also keeping your hair trimmed doesnt always mean your hair will grow faster, it will just keep your hair looking healthier, but! shorter hair does tend to grow faster because its really healthy and doesnt have a lot of split ends that can travel up the hair shaft and destroy that strand making it not grow any faster.

(>.>) i know,,..,such a hair freaaaak. my hair looks really damaged in that picture, but i can tell you its not. its gotten a lot healthier since i went a little darker than blond and went and got numerous of trims to get rid of the fried ends. it's due to the lighting and the many layers i have.

on that note.,..,.,i dont like humid/hot weather

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