Monday, May 31, 2010

ah i received my book in the mail saturday!! its really beautiful and you can really see all the details in the garments. kai's garment looks really complicated with the details. anyways im excited and i just have to recheck a couple things about uruha's outfit since i can see more of it. just a few changes from my original sketches. ah exciting!!
i also went to the AZN festival all day sunday.,.,.apparently it was 90 degrees out but it wasnt that bad (says the person wearing all black and pants!) and the only thing i was afraid of was my face getting red from the sun,..,.,applied sunscreen only on my face,.,.and yet it still gets a little burn (T_T). makes me sad (T^T). after the festival i went to the gym for a couple hours and went to a friends house to make dinner,.,.again,.,.they have central air <3 ,.,.so exhausted after all that,.,.finally slept a full nights sleep (^o^)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

i seriously hate this hot weather (*-*). my central air is out and the people at my apartment complex wont fix it (X-X). its been a year since it went out and they still havent gotten me a new AC....,.,.,*crycry*
ah ive been going to the gym everyday now because it have AC and fans for two hours a day. sometimes when no one is there.,.,i would just lay on the floor so i dont have to go back home to the hot apartment.

hopefully i get my ac quickly,..,because i thought of another tutorial i can do for you guys (*_*) it will be a visual summer hair tutorial!!! 

so i was wrong about my class!! i only have 3 more classes and then im done (^w^) fun fun!!! then i can do nothing after that hahahah~

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

after all these years of dying my hair from black to orange to red to brown to bleach blond and even pink and blue
this is the first that my dad does not approve of my hair color. i dont know why? i kind of like the color of my hair (^^;)
when i was talking to him on the phone making arrangements for the coming weekends of visiting and going to weddings and going out to eat,..,he bluntly told me,.,.i need to change my hair color ,.,,lol
i told him next year,.,.(>.>),.,.when i finish my uruha cosplay XD!
which i need to start .,.,.,once my book gets here and i start sketching out my plan of attack on the garment

Sunday, May 23, 2010

ready to leave after my two hour workout
i found a new place to work out other than my house.,..,its a lot nicer since it has AC and fans running with two flat screen tv's lol and there is no one ever there buwhahahha

open 24/7

anyways i decided to go to that gym since they have equipments that are easier on my knee until i can fully run on it again.  (^^;) but since they have more stuff i can work out on ,..,i stay there a lot longer

i also realized,..,i only have 3 more weeks left of school,..,zomg so excited.,,.
and i also ordered the verwelktes gedicht photobook of gazettes!!!! they have all the pictures i wanted for the uruha cosplay im going to make this summer buwahahahha
it should be here by the end of this month/early next month,.,.i hope (*w*),..,then i can start making the garment lol
the scans werent cutting it and since i saw this bad boy in real life,..,i saw all the details you can see in the garments so i just had to order this lol,.,.ah i cant wait to start making this!!! \(^o^)/

Friday, May 21, 2010

i think i blew out my knee while running a couple days ago or so,..,i cant really stretch out my leg without a little pain (of course ive had bad knees since ive played basketball back in the day).,,,.kinda makes me sad,,.,but i still walk for the same amount of time,.,.it takes longer but i cant stop now!!
this weekend.,.,my roommate is having a pasta party..,,i dunno if i want to stay here or go out ,..,im not friends with her friends kinda thing lol (^^;)

also.,.,i really dislike tea,.,.a lot.,.,but i really like this organic red tea peach (*o*).,,.so i guess i cant say i dont like tea anymore lol and i tried oyakodon,.,.,and i dont like it,.,i hate the egg smell and its too sweet,..,i want something spicy!!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

if you havent checked out youtube..,,.i have uploaded a new video for you guys
instead of doing a request since its mostly just one person wanting one kind of style,..,i wanted to create a style that can be diverse in any style that someone likes or has.
anyways watch and comment please!,.,.hopefully my next video will be a special one (*w*).,.,but that wont happen for another couple months lol

you can wait another two months right?? you did before you can do it again (^o^)

so i just finished my first day of my summer class,..,and i felt like i was getting picked on by the instructor,..,like he kept saying what i was doing was wrong and everything and i became so frustrated!!! (>,<) i just wanted to leave after all of his comments at everything i did!.,,.,.it was kinda draining,.,,.
but everyone tells me i always have a blank face when an instructor talks to me or critiques so they cant read what im feeling or thinking. like my face freezes when i go to class (*-*) no expression. bah owell
only a month left of classes and then ill be done (^^;)

also ive been on a strict exercise and diet routine now! i always feel better after running for an hour (^w^),.,.but i cry when i stop myself from eating really good food thats left over from the party (;_;),.,.but gotta be in control of everything!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

i want to thank everyone who came to my place to celebrate my birthday!!!and thank you for those who drove all the way to meet me! it was fun and i hope to do it again next year (^^) i had a lot of fun you guys! <3
i feel soo fat now from all the food that was made and all the drinks i drank XD,..,ill be going on the treadmill tomorrow for like hours to burn it all off!!!

and i would like to thank everyone for getting me unicorns XDDD my collection is getting bigger ROFL!
im still trying to finish all the left over alcohol everyone has brought with them and left at my place lol. i have no room in my fridge for it!!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

yesterday was a wonderful day! i spent most of the day with my old high school friend. we were really close and were practically best friends during high school and we went our separate ways. after ,..,3-4 years? he came down and visited me and it was great. we went to easton to walk around the mall and everything. it was fun catching up and everything. i felt bad that i kept him till so late and he had to drive all the way back to his campus (2 hours away) and work the next morning (=_=). but he made it back safely at 5am.
he grew so much (*_*) and i stayed short (=_=). even with my double deckers i still couldnt see him eye to eye like i use to. ,..,,.being short suuuccckkkssss

Thursday, May 6, 2010

i seriously want long hair,.,.,.now please!
sometimes i wonder how i manage to up my postings on all my blogs during finals lol
two more finals and theyre only papers!!.,,.,.i can do this ! (>,<)O

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

i really wanted to punch this hoe for calling me fucking spoiled. i worked really hard to get where i am now and the things i have. i never had all the greatest stuff when growing up and neither did my parents. my mom was poor back in the philippines and my dad is in a family of 7 siblings.  they tried hard to raise me and my other brothers and my mom worked hard to come to america and start a new life and give the best she could to us. because she didnt have anything back home she wanted to give her kids everything that she never had even if that meant working over time every day/weekend
i work hard to make ends meet and try my hardest to accomplish a lot in life. if my life seemed so perfect to her well its because i busted my ass to get where i am now and what i have in my possessions. im not spoiled, i work hard for the things i have. pisses me off so much

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

one final complete and turned in. these are ,.,not the greatest pictures since i just took it with my camera phone. but anyways yea! i wish you could see the print and painting i did to the garment. but yea i sewed/dye/painted/silk screened the whole thing. and made my friend wear it. i wanted to add more chains to the collar and stuff, but i wasnt allowed to XD,..,well i just didnt have time to.

Monday, May 3, 2010

somehow i always seem to find time during midterms/finals to post a lot on my blogs XD.
it has been so humid out lately that ive been putting my short hair up in a pony tail..,.,its been so long since i tied my hair back (*_*).  it's not a long tail but hopefully by the end of summer it will be!!  humid weather or even warm weather can help hair grow faster~ if you noticed that you have to shave your legs a lot during the summer time more than the winter.,,.its because of the weather (*w*). fun fact! also keeping your hair trimmed doesnt always mean your hair will grow faster, it will just keep your hair looking healthier, but! shorter hair does tend to grow faster because its really healthy and doesnt have a lot of split ends that can travel up the hair shaft and destroy that strand making it not grow any faster.

(>.>) i know,,..,such a hair freaaaak. my hair looks really damaged in that picture, but i can tell you its not. its gotten a lot healthier since i went a little darker than blond and went and got numerous of trims to get rid of the fried ends. it's due to the lighting and the many layers i have.

on that note.,..,.,i dont like humid/hot weather

Sunday, May 2, 2010

this is the week where everything is due,.,.,but i find myself slacking.,.,a lot. ive been taking long naps to short naps throughout the day and then waking up groggy and not doing anything after that. but dont worry ive been working on everything!! tonight is hardcore study night because i have my pattern test tomorrow and only 3 hours to complete it (*_*). that to me,.,.is not a lot of time.  ah,..,i should do something more today!!! now that i realize i do have a lot to do...,,.,.such a slacker (=_=)
dont be like me kids!!!!

also i thought of something fun to do.,,..,was going to do a curly VK/Lolita hair style and all you need is gel and a straightener. very simple.

if ruki, takeru, and satoshi can have curly hair,.,.,.so can i!!! XD

Saturday, May 1, 2010

i cant believe that the bassist of bis passed away in march and now news of his death is being announced. its makes me so sad. i remember the days when bis was still together and i would get excited to hear new music from them. such horrible news.
i dunno what to say,.,.,.but i will truly miss this guy!!!! (T^T)
R.I.P Shunsuke