Thursday, January 13, 2011

this is it! today im going to turn in my graduation application, pay the unnecessary fee which they will have to rip outta my hand to get (>,<). i checked my unofficial transcript and i will complete EVERYTHING in the degree requirements this semester!!!!! im so excited to get out of that school, but then im worried because all i know is school and homework and no sleep. my brother has been talking to me to go to Grad School, but i told him that school is not for me. i didnt even want to go to college, but i was forced into it by my parents. more or less my dad to go to art school, but my mom wanted me to be a nurse or doctor. i dont see why!?!?! so stereotypical of my mom. though 2/3 of my brothers are in the medical field (>.>).

ANYWAYS my brother kept talking how good my grades are and how i should just apply. but i told him that i slack so much and i always do my projects last minute. how i got such good marks last semester must have been a fluke (or any of the other semesters where i got mostly all A's and a few B's), because i skipped so many classes and put no heart into anything.

i feel kinda accepted by my brother here in america. because we NEVER get a long. we are so different in personality and how we view things. he always says i use the excuse, im an artist, but really i dont (>.>). he doesnt accepted the alternative way of life or being secluded from everyone. hes WAY more social than i am, and im just as happy to say home by myself,.,.which he doesnt understand how i can do that.

BUT,.,.the point of this entry is. im finally growing up and i will be graduating from college in may!!! two days before my birthday which is even better!!! (;w;) only thing i love about my birthday, its two days after i finish school for the summer,..,.,ohhhh how fun!!!!! i dont know what to do with myself, but hopefully find a job to keep my apartment until august and then get a JOB!!! JOB JOBJOB where i get paid more than minimal wage.  but i shouldnt let my lease hold me back. im going to look for jobs and if anything is promising and will take me, i WILL break my lease, get outta this city and move to my new job!!!! ahahhahahahah. so exciting!!!

ok,.,.now i need to go to my school now (>.>)

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