i finally finished that huge painting today! ah it felt so good.,,.and when i made my friend hold it up it just looked so,.,.,.,.wonderful XD.
i was in aw that i painted it! seriously i have improved A LOT in my painting skillz dahaha
looks like i didnt do it but someone else did, i guess im still in shock that i did it \(^o^)/
too bad that the person who wanted me to paint it being a big dick about it and wont make any deal about the price on it,.,.,.sadly hes older than me, but is being a big baby. (=_=)
now i have to drive up north with this big ass painting just to show it to him to reach SOME agreement on the price. dammmmnn
but now i can say that the joker was in the back seat of my car hahah!
i also started crocheting my scarf,.,.,.its going to take forever to finish it, but it will give me something to do during the time i spend back home with my family (because they have no internet and i have nothing left at my parents home so i just sit around doing nothing lol)
hope everyone is having a good time during their breaks and i hope to make a couple hair tutorials for you in january~!!
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