im in love with this man here, sujk from deluhi <33 XD, ive notice i have taking a liking to a lot of the drummers of each band puwahahhahah
i finally fixed my Lacie (my external hard drive) i about lost it when it died on me (*-*), years of projects, papers, pictures, random stuff on there was lost for only a couple of days. Im glad to have it back <3>,<), i took some time on friday night to clean my apartment but not my room, only because it took forever to clean everything and next thing i knew it was already 12am,.,..,and plus having some friends randomly come over didnt help either. in my defense they needed someone to talk to
all friday night/saturday morning i attempted to homework, then all day saturday i did homework and all day today i do homework and study for my exam tomorrow. i have to go in early to take it since this one girl i have class with in anatomy and psychology says that its stupid to have two final exams on the same day (we have psychology and then right after anatomy) so she convinced our anatomy teacher to let us take the exam earlier. im not complaining, but i did kind get dragged into the situation.
so i have all final projects due each day (mon-wed then im done hahahah) and exams each day
i hope i do well on all my exams (*-*)
i was also offered like,..,,.3 commission just in december,.,.,.there goes my break (T^T), but i could use,,.actually need the money XDD,.,.,art is too expensive guys!!!
ANYWAYS,.,.,.,.that's it,,..,i slept in today, i had no morning but it was such a nice sleep.,.,i want to sleep for until next semester starts when i get off from class. (^^;) im so exhausted i need more sleep (=_=)
Good look with your final exams >x< It sounds rough!