hm, this will be a picture dump entry so you have been warned!
so it started with me packing to go travel up north and to drop off that painting i did as a commission

but i wasnt going to meet the guy until xmas day where i would travel up to the lakes. anyways it was a nice travel back. i had to wake up at 530am to get back into town for my first appointment at the car shop.

because there was no one there to pick me up i sat and waited outside of the shop for the guys to finish my car and luckily there was no other customers there so it only took them 30 minutes to do everything to my car~
but after that i had to drop of my cat at someones house (she was still taking her pills then since she had a bladder infection so i couldnt leave her home) and went to my next appointment,,.,.the dentist (*-*).,,.after a quick visit and such i had to make another appointment to get one of my teeth filled since it's been bothering me for a little over 4 months now lol

afterwards i went out with my dad to get his fiance some gifts before xmas and everything and he bought some really random stuff for her (@~@).,,.i guess ppl do weird things when they are in love huh? and finally got some really good chinese food,,.,.i bout died of happiness overload from the food.,.,its was sooo goooooood <333 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEieQjIVMrrxi5kptwUQQ5if90I7d8Gf7p69GPuzJqcSUrghwSHqu1duXpDRFn0QQcQ9bQCkAaKDpTVjQXzArUnJa1mquTvuV_cGDGgLPNoUflIMHTcnA8TGmrw4K9hU_vn_Sb6yyCUQg5U/s1600-h/1223091619.jpg">

i believe after that i just visited my doggy for awhile since i havent seen her in months,.,.shes getting so old and then i realized that she's like 7-8 years old already (T^T), i really hope i can find a place where i can have dogs in my apartment, i truly do miss her a lot <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhfNwqCT5p-LrZyqonPO8ARLbs4BYCqTkTneNDFvoUPWHnoBbz2-XSVlX6CeHgDXpRE6RjClDTwe_bY6TjM6Q31gFn7RYTrG3upj5RGXiDS1oZTdPCs0mL6YzmFOVCnGo27m_2sCXjElOg/s1600-h/1229090055a.jpg">

i crashed at someones house for the night on the couch, but i didnt get that much sleep. the next i went out to the mall and did a little shopping and holy hell, there were sooo many ppl (*_*),,.course i forget it was xmas eve then lol~ and while i was walking i think of my bags just tapped this one girl i walked by and i heard her yelling outloud, "did that girl try to jump me?! did that girl try to JUMP ME!?!" ,.,,.ive never thought some little immature girl would try to beat someone up when you just accidently tap them with one of your bags. uggghhh children these days XD! also i really hate waiting in long lines (=_=)

after that long day of walking around in the mall i decided to visit my mom at her new house and crash on her couch XD. i didnt expect to do much but then i remembered i had to go to my dad's family's xmas eve party thing? we did the usual and i won a couple bucks and stuff, but nothign out of the ordinary. it was boring and i crochet most of the night there lol until i became tired and went back to my moms house to sleep (but really i didnt get any sleep with her cat and my cat playing all night) this is how far i am on making my scarf (^^)

so on xmas day i had to stay at my moms to celebrate it with her and she bought me some really comfy clothes and stuff and i cant stop wearing them,..,so nice and warm <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhHeuRCc8psk7LyyMx5cnoh2fqS0uurs1ivovnXTJNeO-nuBjsCBvXINjOzq40IEMd9pvyaohHRvq5zu9-mFbiC0jbPw0S4aH1s75VXvHHNzNC7RsmjIbuYyoIZ0tr_OjOLba1de8wrsMU/s1600-h/1225091329.jpg">

so after my moms house i had to go over to another persons house and i recieved a gift from her <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgK2eJ7C6wpEVSBx0fvENNdeyC4W002wpdxrGjF1_iFYVZopHqm9AGFvcXAjMM99kL6vXfhtPjeL-Xydb_y3TJJ7D9bc8go_vANNhYSWRW-kgj5W5h2pIvEAW9tQdjlSjXRnDarbPwxh1k/s1600-h/1225091909.jpg">

next day after xmas day i went back out to the mall to do some more shopping since a lot of things were on sale and i was in the mood to go clothes shopping XD and i bought a lot (*-*) like a lot hahha~ and surprisingly there wasnt a lot of ppl out,.,..course i went to those early bird special deals? and of course they still had all the xmas decorations up~~

i really love all the tops i found on sale and i really went crazy in buying a lot bras and panties XD i couldnt resist when they are on sale for less than $4!!!i think that day was kinda nice out since i rained and there was no snow on the ground lol <3>,<)\

oh did i mention i had to take a family portrait with my mom and brother? yea i did that, i wasnt happy about it since i really dont like how my hair looks right now. my dad told me that if i let my hair grow out he will treat me with a nice salon visit to do my hair (mostly get it dyed professionally lol)

so i was stuck up north due to the weather and it sucked, i had to find another couch to sleep on and then attempt to go back to the city to my lovely apartment <3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiUs6lkG11G9l-OwS7g67uwC7j0gbcL54evyZ7nEhOtZVM12ADTjCroXQ7txftdv-0INY3LyuYa1eGio42qeb4GtmpSZYJKosBttT-uocVLy5EoCKO15E-GN_l7WBkBo7tykCTbZlySn5E/s1600-h/1228091222.jpg">

anyways i was away from my apartment for almost a week,..,and it sucked living from my bags that i used to travel with lol. i havent slept in a bed for a long time now and i cant wait to sleep in mine tonight <3 (^/////^)

oh also,,..,.,i couldnt help but buy a lot of hair products either XD.,.,,.,.this bag was only half full and now when i came back home.,.,i couldnt even snap the bag shut from all the products buwahahha!!!
anyways i think thats about it ,.,.,.(^^)y that was my long picture entry and it ws nice traveling and im glad to be back home in my own room/bed/apartment. i like traveling but i hate being away for so long!!! (T0T)
i hope everyone got what they wanted for xmas!!
happy holiday~