zomg i have so much homework/projects/studying i need to do this weekend!!! (T0T)
but i waste my time on the internet XDD
ah, slowly i'm getting ready to go back to the school to do homework (=_=). but i'm waiting for my friend to wake up downstairs lol. we have to use our school ID to get into different buildings, but mine doesn't work so i made my one friend stay the night since her card works XDD, but she went to bed a lot ealier than i did and she's still sleeping!!!..,.,i need to sleep more? XDD
on average i sleep a good 4 hours on the weekend and i try to sleep at least 6 hours on the weekdays~,.,..,so messed up huh? but it's been working for the past couple years lol.
on thursday i saw that my camera died and cried, not really. so i went out yesterday to get a new camera since, well, i'm a camwhore hahha. after a good hour or so looking at cameras i got the nikon coolpix. in a purple color (=_=) because that's all they have left. but omg! the program allows me to edit my pictures/videos on windows movie maker. now i can finally edit my videos to make them better!!!! (*w*)
also, i've decided to let my hair grow out for a year AND to go wannabe vegetarian lol..,.,actually i dont think i could, but i want to start eating healthy. (^^;),..,.,this is the year for change. next year is my last year and i want to look goood XDD
ok, not enough sleep, time to go to the school to do homework..,,.yyyyaaayyy *dies*
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