this is probably the first year where i haven't worn a lot of make-up or dressed up at all. sad part is.,.,i've only been in school for 4 weeks now (=_=) FUUUCKKK, this year is too stressful (*-*)
anyways, you remember that horrible fat cunt sucking cow? well she already assigned so many projects for her class and, since i have her for my history of fashion class, also gave out an exam and group project.
i did a lot better than i thought on her exam as i quickly read the chapters and did well on the group project thanks to one group member who did a lot of the work for the presentation itself. i just had to do research, send emails out, and speak, not bad~ (prepartion time: one weekend)
but for the projects itself in draping.,,.ZOMG! the first project where she basically said that i didn't have THE eye, she asked me straight up if i have ever draped before. i told her nooooo.,.,.,then she told me that it looks good and gave me a good grade. last projects that i turned in this week (which consisted of 4 draped front bodices, the uppper portion of the body (^^;) ) she went around and looked at mine.
"very nice"
"this is too clean"
"nicely presented"
"this is too perfect"
ok i've been busting ass in that class to redem myself, but i don't think that flake remembers what she told me the second week,.,..,bitch...,
and while looking at my projects, she kept saying they were nicely done, but totally nit-picked the hell out of it so i wouldn't get that check plus (that's how she grades, check plus, check, check minus).,.,.,.damnit! so close, she even told me that one was too perfect and gave me a check,.,.hoe!
but in the end i recieved one check plus and the rest were just a plain old check.
i already took 3 exams so far. yesterday, i took two back to back and i think i did well for my psychology, but horrible on my anatomy. i didn't put any effort in studying for anatomy so it's my fault, but tomorrow i have another exam in anatomy (=_=).,.,FUCK!
but i saw a dead body (^^;) for my anatomy class. i felt bad, but then again the people donated themselves to be skinned, displayed, and played with.
ah, ok back to work!!!
Is "too perfect" a bad thing to her? I've been really stressed too. Luckily I get to make a cheat sheet for my first test in one accounting class, and another accounting class we might get to use the book on the first test... but then he'll make it 'more difficult' if we can use the book. But I'd rather use the book and it be harder because then I don't really have to study and remember formulas. I guess I'm most stressed because I already have 2 presentations to dread, one for accounting (huge class) and one for art (5-8 minutes I think at the end of the semester).
ReplyDeleteI'm happy I don't have to take anatomy. I don't want to poke around a dead body.