it's not that i don't mind talking to my youtube people, which i find very dearing and enjoy talking to you guys, but sometimes it can get a little creepy
recently this person has started talking to me on msn (he's from youtube) and thought i was a hot boy. well if you know me, i played along, but never answered his question of what gender i was (since i dont think it matters when i make videos, ya know?). anyways when he found out that i was a girl and he went crazy and was telling me that he loved me and such.
haha, well that's juvenile if you ask me, so i told him that it's not love. it's only a crush since you only see me on your computer screen and don't know me in person. well this boy insisted that he loves me and wants to be my boyfriend..,,..,.,i can only laugh XDD
anyways, he's been persistant with talking to me online and such and then always asked if i was with a boy or something.,,.,then tells me that i need to lose weight, wear more color, be more girly, and to let my hair grow out
now i've seen those life time movie network movies about women who are controlled by their man XD, but seriously WTF!?!?!
for one you don't know me, two i am older than you (i am older than 1 and younger than 10000 hahha) but you're telling me these things online, we have never met, and you are "controlling" my actions.,,.,.ZOMG this person needs some serious help
i laugh and laugh and laugh and feel sorry for this boys girlfriend in the future
but yet i still toy with him,.,,.god i need to get a hobby XDD,.,..,such a mean person i am XP
but the internet is serious business people (*~*)! you never know what might happen to you if you leak out too much information~ play it safe!.,,.,.,.yes, be safe you guys! don't be stupid
,.,.i on the other hand likes to play with peoples emotions online when they are THAT creepy.,,.and lonely,..,and sad,.,..,and dumb XD,,..,i should stop *slaps self*
i want to switch my msn account, but i'm too lazy and like my ppl on msn
now back to my illustrations
*but who could resist this cute face XDDD,.,.ok now that was really vain*