even though it was last minute, i decided to go to matsuricon with an old friend who i havent seen in 3 years. it was fun! it was a small convention and was ok, but i had a good time and i finished all my projects before i went.,.,so yay! such a good student (^////^)v.
i uploaded the pictures from the con on my myspace.
it was an ok con and there wasnt a lot of good cosplayers
there was these three girls that kept coming up to me complimenting me and such. they even asked for my facebook XDD. what the hell right? i told them to look for me at ohayocon hahah~
since im ordering a wig for my bou cosplay i dont need to worry about my hair.,.,like it will be that long in january (^^;). so i decided to go back to black hair, even though i told myself that i wouldnt dye my hair black again, it just looks best on me XD. its so shiny and such buwahahha~ plus i dont have to worry about roots <3.
i made a bet with my friend that we wouldnt cut our hair for two years (since we both decided to grow out our hair),..,no cuts!.,,.trims and for me thinning it out yes. we shook on it and if either one of us caves we owe $20 to the winner dahahah~ how lame are we XP
ah now i have to read and study for my exams. and buy my books tomorrow morning.,.,fuuuunnn!!! (=_=)
hope everyone else is doing well~
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