first week of classes and holy crap so much work!! .,.,what ever happened to hey it's the first week of school i'll go easy on you and then next week i go make you cry cry cry??? ah i finished almost all my projects but one. it's like.,.,.75% done? i need to go to school and scan my stuff in and drop my illustration on adobe into my piece, print it out, and mount and wrap the sucker..,.,,.then i have to read and study for my exams (*-*)
did i mention that i have to buy a shit ton of supplies!?!?! .,.,i had to drop $200 on two text books to do some of my assignments (=-=). i wish the instructors would sent out emails telling us what to buy before class started so i know how much i have to pay, but no they just get mad at everyone saying that we should already have our books to read and study from. damn them!
i have a long list of supplies i have to buy and i'm guessing i am going to spend almost $1,000~
to be an art student we have to make sacrifices.,.,.never go into fashion!! you won't eat for months! (>,<)
also, my hair didn't stay up that long since it down poured after my anatomy class. i was sad. the one day i decided to do my hair.,.,i failed (T^T)
"look at all these freshmen showing you up with their hair!"
"hey it's easy to dye your hair a weird ass color, but i doubt that they can style their hair like mine"
buwahahah!! i show them!.,.,but my hair is still fragile (T^T)o.,.,,.i'm investing in some extensions this weekend as well. for some reason i feel more odd when i'm surround by my other fashion classmates. i don't know what is it about this year, but i'm glad i have other classes where there is a mix of majors XDD.
lastly! i'm going to matsuricon!! yay! i thought i wouldn't be able to go, but after staying at school to do projects and busting my ass to get them done, i can go!!,..,,.just gotta read/study like crazy when i get back (^////^)
that is all~
This year has cost me more so far too.. about $765 just for books! That doesn't include bookbag, paper, notebooks, etc. and my first day isn't until Monday. Only two more days I'm sad. My computer had problems for the past day and a half, I thought I had a virus so I was freaking out, but after hours of working on it I think everything bad is gone, so I'm happy that got figured out without having to buy a new one.
ReplyDeleteMy classes are mostly going to be with accounting majors I think. Three accounting classes, one economics class, and one art class. I'll probably put up my schedule on xanga in a few minutes XP