i started to make another outfit, because of how unsatisfied i am about the last one i did.
so i'm making shou's outfit again, but this time it's this version. i really loved the VK days where they dressed like this. now they seem street oriented. i'm really taking my time on this outfit for sure and plus my central air went out and it's just sooooo hot in my place. today i just made the leggings, shorts, and the velvet arm warmer with the gold chain. i changed one thing on the leggings and its the spandex of gray with black spots. instead i made it purple with tiny black spots. just my alteration that everyone will probably throw a fit. "horrible cosplay, cant match the leggings at all!" XDD but truely i looked and searched and failed lol.
anyways lately i watched some of my old videos and i miss my black hair, it just looked so healthy and pretty~ XD. but i told myself that i wouldnt dye my hair black again. *sigh* i want to get this orange tone out of my hair soon, it's really bothersome to me lol. but it kinda matches shou's hair color so there ya go. maybe in september ill go with another hair color or something lol~
that's all i wanted to say (*^^*)y
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