i went to comfest after work today and it was soo boring (=_=)
ing was all for it and didnt care what happens as long as she goes,.,,.shes a hypocrite and wanted me to drive, but seriously? am i just a fucking taxi to you?
anyways.,.,boring i walked in the heat and sat and walked more
lauren and i decided to leave and we did and walked downtown in the lovely city, ate at subway, went to a park where don was at sketching, and then went swimming in her pool till it closed hahah~
some random guy at a stand told me 'happy comfest' and gave me two flowers (^////^) so i took them and ing got pissed that she didnt get any and had don take one of mine and gave it to her.,.,where she later smashed it in her sketchbook. i was sad,..,,.,.but it was just a flower~
sometimes i wish i could stop being friends to such people that piss me off by how they act.
dont you have one of those ppl in your life that you cant just stop going to in the end??
oh do you see? my hair is no longer blue, now it is just brown!
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