sometimes i wonder about myself ya know?.,,.so i always hang out with this one girl,.,sometimes she's ok, but when she's wrong or doesn't know she gets all pissy, same with being hungry or tired. she's also more needy than a dog as well.,.,its like im in a relationship with her when she asks me about how she looks or what she should wear or how good she looks. i honestly dont care about neither and always respond with whatever you feel comfortable in, that seems like the right thing to say, but she'll get mad.
she also takes FOREVER to get ready, not that i dont, we all do dont we ladies? but i give her a whole extra hour to get ready plus driving to her place takes me awhile as well, still not ready, and i like to go when i want to go, no waiting.
but then she'll be like do my make up or hair and i tell her that she needs practice and do it herself and then she'll drop the whole thing, lazy .
also she wants to lose weight and i say whats on my mind right then and there, like you dont need that or you shouldnt eat that, but whatever. so she gets her mom to buy her really greasy unhealthy stuff and complains shes fat. now i eat a lot of unhealthy things and i know it, but i dont gain any weight either, i just need to lose a lot XD. anyways, i dont know.,,.i shouldnt write this stuff here, but i feel like i need to at least get it out of my system? if only you knew how much she can piss me off by how she thinks or acts then you would be too.,.,.,.,.*sigh*
i should stop now (*-*)
anyways i start volunteering tomorrow so i can get my 80 hours in before i graduate and hopefully start working as well~ pet land hire my ass!!! (T_T)
i also want to dye my hair again.,.,maybe tomorrow?