Thursday, December 30, 2010

2011 is going to be a good year
because 2010 just sucked balls

im ready for you 2011!!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

i finally got my hair the reddish-orange color ive been wanting for some time now
ahhh im glad it came out all even too lol..,.,that was my only concern

now its babying time for my poor fried hair XDD

Monday, December 20, 2010

so i make a good bocchan? hahhaha
as bad of a year this was for me,.,.i still managed to pull off all A's and one B
how wonderful!!!! i was banking on not even passing one class because i hate it so much that i didnt give two shits about it,..,but i still managed a B???? oh shit ,.,.victory dance!
now to run errands/ go grocery shopping/ finish recording the new video and make a purse
whoooo busy busy day!!!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

IBI from sixh is coming to ohayo con.,,.,.
omfg!!! i cannot wait for this.,,.,.soo flipping out right now puwahahhaha
convention,..,come faster please!!! (>///////////<)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

even though they sold out of their recent cellphone charm on their site,..,i still managed to find one online and quickly bought it (*w*) and i got free pictures with it too!.,.,just an added bonus puwahahahah
they are my fav band of all time

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

thank you brandon for the lovely tattoos ~~

Sunday, December 5, 2010

hello 4 hours of sleep! its been awhile since i wore makeup (=_=)
ah i hope everyones finals are going well. i know i have a lot of shit to do still
4 hours of sleep will be my best friend as of now

Saturday, December 4, 2010

so i havent shown what ive been doing in school. this is one of my finals for one of my,.,.8 classes???
sure? 3d illustration,..,3 projects due at the end of the semester. i reallllly dislike my last one, so i wont burn your eyes with that. but these two i really like and i hope that next semester i can actually work on my shit instead of putting it off until the last two weeks of school to work on em.
one final done.,.,a shit ton more to go,..,.,yay,..,.,(=_=)

Friday, December 3, 2010

im going to post some clothes and jewelry that i no longer want. if anyone is interested in buying them you can contact me through facebook (give link later)
clothes consist of a few cosplay outfits,skirts and tops
while jewelry consists of earrings and necklaces (most have never been worn)
im just hoping to give these items to a good home where someone will love and wear it with pride
while i empty out my closet

Thursday, December 2, 2010

dear you,
im glad you are out of my life. you only brought me down. you are immature, a hypocrite, and irritating. even though you are older than me, i feel like im the one that has the maturity of a person who is your age. you act like you are superior over me and you can do no wrong. you say a lot of shit, but when it comes to me or any other person confronting you about it, you back away and act like you didnt do anything. even though im a lot shorter than you,.,.you cant handle a pint size half asian in your face. all you do is act all innocent and tough when youre around other ppl. but when i come in the room you just coward away and go off running. im glad youre gone. you just hold me back and make me feel like shit about my appearance and my work. at least i try to do the things i say and give 100%,.,.i just dont talk i do it. which i know is a lot more than what you can do. at least im graduating on time and not dicking around. the only thing i regret is wasting these 3 years with you and dropping money and gas on your ass.
and the saddest part is, ,.,.im not sad about this ending,.,.im just mad that i didnt end this relationship a long .,,.LONG ,..,time ago

no love