Tuesday, April 27, 2010

it's kinda weird having someone act like you're a disease and try to avoid you as much as possible.  sometimes i wonder.,,.huh what did i do? maybe i said something to piss them off or someone over heard and distorted what i said. either way i find it kinda funny XD and all i could do is laugh
i try to keep things civil, but owell!! i could care less at this point (^w^)
let's continue late nights at the school, 4 hours of sleep, 10 hour days at school and repeat everything over again!!!!!!

2 more weeks of hell and im free~~.,,for two days XD
and i want to go to the zoo for my birthday,.,.or even to this open house pot luck party my one instructor is throwing (*_*)  << it sounds fun and she said shes a really good cook (@~@),.,.but well see with the weather lol

back to work!!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

if you look very closely you can see my cat : {D
ah only a few more weeks and i can have a weekend to do nothing and then go back to school!!.,.,yay.,,.,.
i really need to go job hunting for the summer months (~.~) ah so hard!!

im almost done with another final.,.,i hope i can finish it early in the week, so i dont have to mess with it this weekend. (*^^*)v
ah so i went to sally's beauty supply store = <3 and finally figured out what my hair color is
its like.,,.a natural dark blond (*_*).,,.not brown as i originally thought it was lol. owell,..,i always wanted to have nice blond hair (^^)

i cant wait to start making my uruha cosplay!!! <3

Sunday, April 18, 2010

ive been working very hard trying to finish my projects,..,.,but it seems that no matter how many hours i put in them.,.,they never seem to finish
i need a break (*_*) 
i havent slept all that well last night (or for the past week),..,i stayed up till 5am,..,tried to sleep but then my roommates alarm clock went off (and they were out for the night) didnt know how to shut it off correctly and it went off again at 7,..,then my friend who was staying the night woke me up at 8 (she just wanted to see if i was up and then she started to clean my room (*~*)?) and then my alarm went off at 9!!!

it never ends!!!

i hope for those who are coming close to the end of the school luck and hope that it isnt as stressful as mine!!!

Friday, April 16, 2010

i really do enjoy talking you guys online! really makes me feel connected to those who watch my videos~

thank you guys! <3

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

i went out to hal's and al's which is like an alternative bar place,.,.,thingy building. everything on their menu was vegan-fied and it wasnt all that bad. too greasy for my taste honestly (>.>)

but i went there to celebrate a friends bday with more of her friends and only a very VERY few ppl from school (like 2 ppl and the rest of the group was from different colleges) ahhh i had fun!! it was something that i needed. even though i stayed out late on a 'school night' i had a nice time.

tomorrow i need to do a lot of homework and im just not looking forward to it at all. i cant believe i only have 4 weeks left! and in 3 weeks all my projects are due (*x*),.,.,.guhh so stressful!!!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

instead of crashing on the couch when i get home,..,,im going to sleep a full 8 hours tonight!!!

today was just a bad day to begin with,.,..,hopefully tomorrow will be a better day (@~@;)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

every time i start to make a new video, i stop it, look at it,..,and hate it. i dont know what it is, but i think this time i am really going to take a break from youtube for a bit.  i only have what? a month left of schooling and then summer school. hopefully ill be able to find a good job this summer and i have my own person things i want to do over the summer, to better myself and to better my sewing skill so i can guarantee myself that i will get into the fashion show.

i hope that who ever reads this from youtube,..,.,,.,..,will understand

but hopefully before my classes start for my senior year i can make this video i wanted to do for awhile. it will be special for me to share it with you guys and i hope it will also help you guys as well!! it will benefit me and you <3,.,..,.,if all goes as plan i can do it (*^^*)b

Saturday, April 3, 2010

me after a nice long nap,,.,.even my bunny runs away from me like this XD

i actually went out today,.,.well not by choice. after getting little sleep and going to the labs this morning, i worked on one project for 4 hours straight and didnt even sit down. i walked around afterwords and met up with someone and continued to walk to another school.,..,there i was picked up at the corner of the street by friends who saw up there and was taken out to eat.  it felt nice, but when i got home i went straight to sleep. soooo sooo tired now a day (=_=)

also it felt nice sitting down after standing up/walking most of the morning

Friday, April 2, 2010

i was thinking about doing a theme video tutorials this time
some ppl have requested tutorials of the members from alicenine.
i thought since almost all the members had requests i could do videos of all the members makeup and hair (course i suck at makeup but whateves >: B)
i have to look at some pictures to see what styles i can do with my current hair and more than likely i will do a style where i wont be damaging my hair THAT much,.,.since yea,.,.ive dyed it a little too much this time and have to cut some of my bangs length
so now i have short bangs again (damn).,.,but hair always grow back (^^;)

oh, right,..,i dyed my hair brown to match uruha's hair,.,.so i can cosplay as him : {D
even though it wont be for a long while,.,i just wanted an excuse to color my hair lol
being blond just didnt suit me,.,.too hard to maintain the color and keeping it healthy,..,too dry for my taste
anyways,.,.i will try to make a new video for you guys! soon .,.,very soon (>.>) (because a lot of you guys asked me if im going to make any new videos OR to continue youtube)