Wednesday, March 31, 2010

oh shiz.,,.i finally see that i have a few comments.,.,.,wonder how i can get notified with those???
actually i never realized that some ppl have commented some of my posts.,.,.,.,,.

i didnt realize ppl like my videos that much~
but honestly guys, you can live without me for awhile!! (^^;)
maybe ill do something that doesnt have me doing my hair.,,..,yea (>.>)

maybe that Q&A video i havent done that i said i would do ,.,.hmm when? last year? hah!
guhh i have such a headache ,.,.,.going to sleep now,.,.maybe skipping class tomorrow

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

im going to dye my hair brown this weekend.,.,it has been decided as of now

then to continue to let my hair rest after all the punishment i brought it with the bleaching/toning/dying/blow drying/straightening

you know im still surprise i still have hair on my head (^^;)

can you tell i dont want to do any more projects?,.,..,so over this school!
some times i get annoyed by the littlest things,..,.,others not so much
but having an instructor for 2 years and having him not remember your name,.,.its pretty pathetic

i want to go on a rant about stupid crap other than school,.,.but who cares???


Sunday, March 28, 2010

you see this list,..,.,took me over 4 hours to complete the top part,.,..,not even done yet! (T^T)
i want my spring break back without all those projects damnit (>,<)O

eh,.,.,.whatever,..,,.6 more weeks left of class
then another what? 4 weeks of summer school???


Saturday, March 27, 2010

i want to take a break from youtube.,,.i dont think anyone will be sad.,.,.,,..,right?

Friday, March 26, 2010

i kinda wish i was more blond than this now lol. i guess you can classify my hair color as natural blond? .,.,so says sally beauty supply store.  i wish i had another week off for break,.,.this whole week ive been doing everything but what i wanted to do!.,,..these projects are never ending for me,.,.i still have three more to do!! (>.<),.,.,.guh what break!!!

anyways i would like to say thank you guys for participating in my contest. i have finally sent out the prizes today. so in two weeks time it should arrive to the winners mailbox~

ah tonight i go work on my portrait drawing homework,.,.hopefully it will only take me a couple hours to do so since its just their face ill be working on hahah~

i cant wait until june 17th!! when ill be done with summer classes and then on the 23rd i will hopefully be going to miyavis concert!!! it just depends on ducky~ << her nickname haha~ if ducky goes then i go, if not then i dont go lol.,.,i really hope i can go!!!! (>,<)O

Sunday, March 21, 2010

finally ive done it!!
its been awhile since ive had blond hair, or any color of it, but now i have it~
it took me awhile to get the color but it was worth it XP.,..,,.i guess it was better for me to do it than going to a salon :D

so i went traveling for the weekend..,again,.,.i travel way too much, but my car went into the shop (*_*),..,so i had to find a place to crash for the night before i finished everything. i found a place XD and we went to the bar later that night. i ate soo much bar food that i felt sick the next morning (=_=)

but now im done traveling~ and now back home.,,..,sadly i couldnt sent out the prizes! (T^T) monday i will send them out to the lucky winners (^^)~

Saturday, March 13, 2010

for the past couple days ive been playing pico,..,i guess its a similar version of pigg without having a blog on ameblo.,.,lol,..,,. its really fun! and addicting  (*_*) some japanese ppl were laughing at my poor japanese, so they were teaching me lol.,..,they said my translator is horrible (=_=)

this is my character,,..,i like guy characters more than girls haha, they just always look cooler (>.>) cept lightning from ffxiii ,..,.,now she looks cool! XD i want to make her outfit for the hell of it!! (^o^)!
speaking of outfits,.,.a guy with a company saw some of my designs and wants to use it in their character design, but i dont like the ones i made.,.,so i want to ask him next time,.,.if i can redesign better outfits for his project ahah~,.,.although he doesnt like my name (T-T),.,.he likes liwanag or mitsuko better XD,.,.since my real name is like a boys name, that he doesnt approve ,.,.lol,..,,.(>.>) 

anyways i found michael jackson!!

lol hes still around~~ (*^^*)

anyways i HAVE to take summer classes now (=_=),.,.not an option anymore,..,there goes my summer and an extra month of classes,.,,.., owell i hope i am able to work while still attending classes (^^;)