Thursday, December 30, 2010

2011 is going to be a good year
because 2010 just sucked balls

im ready for you 2011!!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

i finally got my hair the reddish-orange color ive been wanting for some time now
ahhh im glad it came out all even too lol..,.,that was my only concern

now its babying time for my poor fried hair XDD

Monday, December 20, 2010

so i make a good bocchan? hahhaha
as bad of a year this was for me,.,.i still managed to pull off all A's and one B
how wonderful!!!! i was banking on not even passing one class because i hate it so much that i didnt give two shits about it,..,but i still managed a B???? oh shit ,.,.victory dance!
now to run errands/ go grocery shopping/ finish recording the new video and make a purse
whoooo busy busy day!!!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

IBI from sixh is coming to ohayo con.,,.,.
omfg!!! i cannot wait for this.,,.,.soo flipping out right now puwahahhaha
convention,..,come faster please!!! (>///////////<)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

even though they sold out of their recent cellphone charm on their site,..,i still managed to find one online and quickly bought it (*w*) and i got free pictures with it too!.,.,just an added bonus puwahahahah
they are my fav band of all time

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

thank you brandon for the lovely tattoos ~~

Sunday, December 5, 2010

hello 4 hours of sleep! its been awhile since i wore makeup (=_=)
ah i hope everyones finals are going well. i know i have a lot of shit to do still
4 hours of sleep will be my best friend as of now

Saturday, December 4, 2010

so i havent shown what ive been doing in school. this is one of my finals for one of my,.,.8 classes???
sure? 3d illustration,..,3 projects due at the end of the semester. i reallllly dislike my last one, so i wont burn your eyes with that. but these two i really like and i hope that next semester i can actually work on my shit instead of putting it off until the last two weeks of school to work on em.
one final done.,.,a shit ton more to go,..,.,yay,..,.,(=_=)

Friday, December 3, 2010

im going to post some clothes and jewelry that i no longer want. if anyone is interested in buying them you can contact me through facebook (give link later)
clothes consist of a few cosplay outfits,skirts and tops
while jewelry consists of earrings and necklaces (most have never been worn)
im just hoping to give these items to a good home where someone will love and wear it with pride
while i empty out my closet

Thursday, December 2, 2010

dear you,
im glad you are out of my life. you only brought me down. you are immature, a hypocrite, and irritating. even though you are older than me, i feel like im the one that has the maturity of a person who is your age. you act like you are superior over me and you can do no wrong. you say a lot of shit, but when it comes to me or any other person confronting you about it, you back away and act like you didnt do anything. even though im a lot shorter than you,.,.you cant handle a pint size half asian in your face. all you do is act all innocent and tough when youre around other ppl. but when i come in the room you just coward away and go off running. im glad youre gone. you just hold me back and make me feel like shit about my appearance and my work. at least i try to do the things i say and give 100%,.,.i just dont talk i do it. which i know is a lot more than what you can do. at least im graduating on time and not dicking around. the only thing i regret is wasting these 3 years with you and dropping money and gas on your ass.
and the saddest part is, ,.,.im not sad about this ending,.,.im just mad that i didnt end this relationship a long .,,.LONG ,..,time ago

no love

Saturday, November 27, 2010

just three more weeks
thats how long i need to last

Friday, November 19, 2010

i came up with an idea of forcing myself to make ready to wear clothes
and to work with knit fabric ,..,but i hate hate hate working with knit fabric, but with ready to wear you need to use it in some to all clothing item
because it getting colder, i want to design hoodies 8DD
with my own ideas and designs,.,.i dont want to take someone elses brand idea (as in character hoodies) and recreate it. its my last year in school and i need to come up with my own shit.
hopefully i can make one of each design and see what ppl want more and i can make it and sell it puwaahhahaha
winter break!! my goal
last night i also went to a frat house pre-thanksgiving social (my school doesnt have frats or anything, so it was with the neighboring colleges). but because i didnt get outta class till 930pm and had to drive there,..,everyone basically left after i got done eating. the food wasnt to to bad. i didnt eat everything on my plate hahah.  basically in the end i just drew all over their board they had hanging while i was waiting for dustin to finish cleaning

Saturday, November 13, 2010

ah i cant wait till break
and i cant wait till the semester is over with
so much to doooooo
i really need to work on my portfolio and my second garment but owell
one project at a time

Sunday, October 24, 2010

at the beginning of the year. i noticed that a lot of the freshmen were kinda boring. no dyed hair or funky clothes. they looked like they belonged in a frat/sorority house.  as the months went by i notice that a lot of ppl .,.,A LOT .,.,have been dying parts of their bangs the same style as me. (*-*)
not to sound conceited or anything, but i think i started a trend at my college
even my coworkers told me that whenever im sitting in the shop lol

ok back to work on my first garment

Saturday, October 23, 2010

i hope to make a video VERY soon
let's see how saturday plays out with projects~~
im starting to like dolls,.,.beautiful dolls,.,.i want to collect them

Sunday, October 17, 2010

lately ive had soo much homework that i havent had that much time to do anything (*-*)
when i do go out,..,its quick, in and out of the store and back home to do more homework!
i have 6 weeks to do 2 garments,,..,i could cry thinking about it

i have been also looking into apartments as well. im getting tired of roommates. each year i get new roommates and they always move after a year.,,.,.now i want to move to my own small apartment so i can be stress free of roommate drama.  i hope to find something close and cheap (*_____*)
but i wont know if i can move out until december (T_T)
i hope i can!!! i want my own apartment now!!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

i decided to take out all the piercings i had on my face. the only piercings i have left are on my ears and my tongue. slowly i will grow up XD
this was taken when i went to kentucky this weekend. so freaking tired during that trip (=_=)
hopefully your weekend wasnt that tiring~

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

i hate hate hate being sick
and going to school 
i just want to sleep all day long!!!!

btw,.,.what videos do you guys want to see next?
so i can make plans for it later on (*^^*)v

Thursday, September 23, 2010

halloween is coming up and i came up with a great idea for a makeup tutorial
since my inner otaku is coming out :3
now if my wig needs some cutting, i will also show how you can cut a wig as well (^^)v
but there is another month to do something like this
i just hope i have time with my schedule and shitz
btw,.,.i love this shit very very much!! <3

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

my wrist is small enough to fit in a happy kids meal watch
yay for small wrists

Sunday, September 5, 2010

i decided to cut my bangs because they wont lay the way i want them to. no matter how much i try to train them,..,they decided to have a mind of its own.
forever will my bangs part lol

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

i look so graceful when my picture is taken without my knowing,..,yayz
ahh its only the second day and im already over this school shit
sadly my big classes are tomorrow and thursday (;______________________;)
i dont want to see the work load for those classes *crycry*

weekend.,.,where are you (>.>)

its been soo hot out that my bangs decided to part themselves,..,so no more bangs that cover forehead look,.,,.ahhhhh i want to try a different style of bangs ,.,.but no matter what,..,my hair will always part even after retraining it

stubborn hair,..,

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

dahh im surprise my hair stayed up like this for a little bit,.,.it went flat after a couple hours.,,.which makes me sad. damn you hair for being healthy!!! (Y___________Y)
i cant think of a new style for youtube,..,and it kinda sucks,.,.ive been thinking about it, but really its all the same. you tease,.,.you shape,.,.you spray,,.not that hard (>.>) sad sad times
i put in my extensions in to do a longer hair tutorial, but i havent had long hair in YEARS (5 years) taht i dont know what to do,..,and i can only do so much with extensions,.,.,.,.,.
hmm time to take a break from youtube with hair styles,..,.,wonder if i can do something else??? (actually im more afraid of getting another strike lol)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

just need to make the undershirt and then the necktie,.,.and ill be done with making this out.,,.just need to order the wig and contact lenses,..,.,yay
another outfit done,..,now to focus on my school work hahahhaha

Thursday, August 19, 2010

ah i dunno why all the blond in my hair is turning orange (*_______*)
so i decided to just dye it pink like my bangs XDD
ahh horrible picture,.,.but its pretty pink (>.>)
soo ill just be pink lady or something hurhurhur
tomorrow i wake up early to travel up north for a couple of days,..,funn timeeeess
maybe this will be my time to work on my collection ideas??? ,..,hopefully '
if i dont get distracted by shopping and other stuff lulz

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

 the picture is funny lol
i decided to make this outfit next
i made the vest within a couple of hours and im almost finished with the jacket
ah,.,.its so easy to make clothes when you already have patterns that are similar cut of the new design. easy alterations and saves a lot of time

i really like this style of clothing,.,.A LOT.,.,i wish ppl would still dress like this
so blueeeeeee

Sunday, August 15, 2010

hangry and angry has now joined my collection.,.,i feel like theyre going to attack me while im sleeping,.,.
i love the character designs so much <3 <3

Saturday, August 14, 2010

pink pink hair
its soo vibrant .,.,love it

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

what my hair looks like outside.,,.,.i did pretty well for dying it myself,.,..,i havent gotten this kinda blond color in a long time.

anyways i went to a costume shop yesterday and i drooled over all the custom made outfits in the back of the store.,,.,.it made me want to sew more and to become a costume designer even more
gahhh i wish my school had classes for custom design (or never gotten rid of those classes) and not those crappy ready to wear bullshit
thats all i want

Mitsuko says:
 i wanna be cooool
 dont ruin this for mee
 so,.,.,on dailybooth.,.,i commented on a picture,.they commented me back and found out they have been following me on youtube XDD
系ティ says:
Mitsuko says:
 small internet world XD
系ティ says:
 hahah XD

Sunday, August 8, 2010

finally got my hair to be pale blond.,.,just in that section ,.,.and finalllllyyy got my hair to be black black .,.,no more faded ugly black/brown color
and since my hair is blackkk i can wear my extensions again hurrrr

ahhh thats my excitement as of now.,.,i really do have a boring life (YwY)

if you guys havent checked out my videos,..,go and do so!! i wanted to make something that didnt have to do anything with hair (>.>),.,.hurrrr,.,..,hopefully thats ok

im kinda running out of ideas on what to do with my hair and everything.,.,,.,.maybe ill make a transition of doing different kinds of videos,.,.i dunno?????

Saturday, August 7, 2010

i got my first threat from youtube today!
and received a handful of messages from my viewers about it and i responded with this:

im sorry about this
i just came back from doing my own thing and read that due to the use of me using deluhi's music and saying that it is mine (using the name and song title in the tag/search section portion) has caused problems with the music company and for me.  threaten to have my site shut down and everything,..,blahblahblah,.,.

i will upload the video again, but some footages will be lost (mostly the ending) because i deleted those videos when i finished editing the original and im too lazy to retape it.

when i get back later today i will be uploading the video and hopefully i wont get looked at again and be careful in how i tag my videos

sorry for the problem

if anything happens to my channel as in being shut down,..,then i cannot help it, it will be youtubes decision. i hope that nothing happens,..,i just need to be more careful in how i tag the videos,.,.if the worst case happens.,.,i guess i will be done with youtube (^^;)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

day 3 of editing these videos
ahhh i usually edit them when i have free time at night,..,mostly till 3am or something of that sort..,,.get some sleep,..,do my work until im done and edit some more

ahhhh im putting so much work into this!!!,..,so i hope it will come out well,..,and everyone will like it (^^;)

back to work!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

i wanted blond in my hair and i gotz it
thanks to kaytie and vukiebutt for convincing me to go ahead and dump that bleach on my head XD!
ah i cant wait till i can make it lighter so i can put on another color on top,.,.like pink!! puwahahha
i kinda wanna make the rest more black since it has faded a lot to this brown/black color
i got time still before i do anything more to my hair lol
my nao cosplay is complete now buwahahaha <<<< otaku!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

going to start filming very soon!! once my model arrives (=w=)
hopefully filming will be successful!!,..,since i wont be doing my hair in the video i decided to do my hair now and get a little bit more dressed up lol
ahhh it looks like host hair doesnt it!?!
i need to get a new haircut or something.,.,all my hair styles are meant for guys hahaha

Thursday, July 29, 2010

i went out today for shopping, pizza, and ice cream ,.,.,.that alone makes a good day!!
it was nice, relaxing and no rush what so ever (=w=)
now i need to stop messing around and get work done!!!

also i found out a good friend,..,well i thought was a good friend now,.,.was talking shit about me and calling me shit names
i mean really??? i thought i left high school yo.,.,,.really pisses me off

Friday, July 23, 2010

(this is how close i was to the main stage,..,great spot,..,and that guy with the hat,..,he kept one of the picks that the korn members were throwing out,..,i was pissed,.,.i wanted it damnit!! DX)
so i went to mayhem fest with my friend from high school
he had vip/pit tickets and all that good jazz and i was up front for the stages we went to
it was crazy fun,..,fucking amazing really!!!
i was elbowed, hit, pushed up to the railing (since i was at the front) till i couldnt breath and was waiting for one of my ribs to crack, i bleed a little (not as badly as other ppls that ive seen), ran through two pits (that was fuckin crazy right there),was in the line of all the crowd surfers (i need to lift more weights to hold up those guys) and got a great spot at the main stage to see
5finger death punch, lamb of god, rob zombie, and korn
i was so close i could see them sweat hahaha
i even got rob zombies guitarist, john 5's pick hahah!!
after the shows,.,.when i sat down for the first time in like,.,.11 hours,.,.i realized my body was numb, my clothes were drenched in sweat and i was on an energy high XD
we even went to kentucky to get taco bell around midnight
and slept at his cousins house ,.,.which i might add was gorgeous!!! and huge!!!
ah i had a good time~~~~ my left arm is bruised a little and my legs are sore from trying to be taller than the railings so i could breath lol
i would so go there again (^^)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

i went to walk around the mall today.,.,just to get out and stuff
and i found this book of mcqueens collection
its really sad that he had to go at such a young age as an artist/designer
i hope one day i can be like him (=///////=)

ahhhh ,.,.i want to bleach my hair now hahaha,.,.black/brown hair is so boring :B

some time soon in the future i will lol~~

Thursday, July 15, 2010

ive gotten to the point where i dont even want to straighten my hair,.,.its been years since anyone has seen my natural hair state,..,though now its not as curly as it use to be.,.,due to the shorter layers and what damage it received from the dye
doesnt look too bad (>.>)
 i think with some products that i have i can make it look more curly guy gyaru style,..,,.haha
anyways,..,i worked out with a friend and i feel like i need to work harder.,,.she even wanted to treat me to dinner, but i declined because her mom showed up and i thought it would be best for those two to have the evening together,.,.mother daughter bonding time ya know??

Sunday, July 11, 2010

i hope you guys enjoyed the videos i made
uhmm,.,.i dont know what else to say (>.>)
,..,.,my cooking.,,..,.,enjoy

Thursday, July 8, 2010

a preview of what the next video will be about
can you say Number Six????

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

third outfit 100% complete
yay yay~~
i will wear it in my next hair tutorial video
though it was a pain in the ass to make, i really enjoy the final product .,,.a lot (*w*)
i was going to film this week, but since my roommate doesnt have a camera, i let him borrow my camera for his little vacation hes taking right at this moment.,.,.,so no pictures (T-T) or video (T^T)
oh i also received gifts from a youtube fan/friend
ahh its all cute and i love everything about it ..,.,makes me feel loved <3 <3

Monday, July 5, 2010

 bangs parted
and not parted hurrrrrrr (=w=)

i gave myself shorter bangs.,.,,.,yay
since i didnt want to go to a salon to get em done,.,.since well..,they never cut it how i want to
baaahhh 3am hair cutting is always enjoyable~~
later i will be dropping off my roommate at the airport since theyre going outta state for the rest of the week
going to be quiet 
i should go to bed now hahaha
i dont know why, but this site has prevented me from updating for like,.,.ever!!!
i couldnt please my bloggin addiction (^^;)
ah,..,now im like,.,.(*_*) what do i type now???
hmm yes i did get my haircut, by the same stylist from last year,.,.she looked different
finished a painting and sent it out.,.,,,.i really hate painting, but i hope they will like it~
i uhh went to the cook in thingy but didnt stay long cuz a phone call convinced me to go somewhere hurhurhur
i went out that day,.,.,.watched a parade, had a bbq in the park, water balloon fights where i delivered the last blow bwuahahaha.,.,till someone dumped water from a water bottle on me (T-T).,,.and played frisbee~~~ all in 90 degree weather and wearing pants XDDD

i hope you guys had a good 4th or if you dont celebrate it,.,.i hope you had a lovely sunday~~~

ah hopefully ill do a video soon!!! (^^),..,it will be lovely nao's hair (alicenine. drummer),.,.hes my favorite from that group and was my fav drummer when i first got into japanese music~~~
i hope you will enjoy it (*^^*)v

Monday, June 28, 2010

i dyed my hair black
i need to cut off the dead ends so it will look and feel healthier
i threw away all my hair dying stuff and bout ready to give my friends the rest of my stuff so i will stop dying my hair (i fill a huge bag full of hair dying supplies that i use) <<< scary
i went out to see a comedy that i thought was free,..,but it wasnt so instead i went to a park and took pictures
and ate chinese afterwards lol
tomorrow.,.,a think a cook in,..,not cook out,..,.,i want to drink XD,..,not go swimming,.,my hair is so dead and damaged that i dont want the water to kill it more (*_*)
wednesday get my hair cut,..,hope it goes well,..,still deciding the style though,..,but not a lot can happen since my hair is so short anyways
sunday,.,.happy 4th again!,..,going out that day too~~,..,.,
such a busy week this one is XDD

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

geez only took me three days to make aoi's cassis outfit (*_*)
ok ok i cheated and altered a pair of pants i already own,,.and holy ajdfa;hdfkjasldf,..,that was easy shit (O*o)
done with another outfit,..,in like two weeks ,.,.i wish i was that productive during school hurhurhur

,.,i feel like doing a photoshoot or something now hahha!!!
ah such an easy outfit~~~

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

im making aoi's (the gazette) outfit from cassis pv (*^^*) because a hair dye incident has left my hair a lot darker than what it should be (T_T),.,.,.so its partically black now *cry cry* no more uruha cosplay (i dont want to bleach my hair anymore,,.so exhausting)
i was thinking of selling the garment, but then i thought nahhh
i finished everything but the pants hurhurhur,,.,.all in one day,.,.well not even a day,.,.damn im so bored
need to do some hardcore ab work outs to get a sexy stomach XDD

Saturday, June 19, 2010

why is it that everytime i talk to someone new
they always seem nice, then bam theyre talking down to me like theyre superior over me and i know shit???
i mean just randomly.,,.i really really hate it when ppl do that.,,.,pisses me off