Thursday, February 24, 2011

hey hey
so lots of things have been going on, but i assure you im still kicking
and thinking of things to do for youtube

but in the mean time you can keep up with me on facebook:

and my other blog that is dedicated to garments ive made :3 :

go check em out!!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

i bought shoes for my models. i want to keep them for myself, but damnit my feet are way too small compared to my models (T~T). i guess i can give these to them after the show, or sell them online or something lol. the picture doesnt do it justice. the details are amazing and works well with my garments.
ahh jury show in 11 days!!! i better pass and make it in the show!!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

second day at the con was even better than the first!!!! such exciting news!! i hope this will help me in the future to achieve my goals~~
i cant wait till april. april has A LOT in store for me and im ready for it!!! >:D
well not really,..,but i will be!!! puwahahhaha

Friday, January 28, 2011

i met IBI!!!! he was so sweet to everyone and really helped out ppl in picking clothes. its like awww~
but i was talking to the ppl at the booth and everything then i showed them my hangry and angry tattoos and everyone there geeked out and wanted to take pictures of it XD. even IBI!  and when i finished shopping i got to take a pic with him and get his autograph and in one of the pictures he wanted me to show my tattoos again lol. he really liked them (*w*)
ahhh when i checked out the guy that runs the booths he asked me if i was going to any other cons since he has remembered me from the other conventions. i told him that i was going to sakuracon and hes like, you want to work at sakuracon at the jrock booth?? and i was like OHHH YEAAA im so interested!!!! he said i get a free pass and everything. super super stoked!!!! he told me hell give me a call soon to give more details about it.,,.and i can not wait for sakuracon!!!!
first day ..,,.epic.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

i got my haircut. the stylist remembered me from the summer, which is surprising. shes a good stylist. i told her to cut off the end and everything. she cut it and did my bangs ,.,.which was something i didnt want (>.>) but she was like,,.it will make you look more mature and grow out nicely. hope shes right lol, but i trust her. i think it looks weird when not styled (top) but then it looks really boyish when i style it (bottom). eh whatever,.,.new hair style
 .,.,i hope it will grow fast this time around now that its all healthy and everything.,,.,.

Monday, January 17, 2011

while over at my friends apartment,.,.,.we were going through pictures from freshmen year. and holy asldkfnasjbfklajsdkfasdfh.,.,.,,.i looked sooo bad!!!! hahahaha,,.,.i dunno why ppl liked me back then or even sophomore year,,.i just looked like a hott mess.
my two good friends and i have changed so much,,,.,.and as we kept looking through the picture up to this year, we started to notice that we havent really hung out that much or taken a lot of picutres.  you think high school is hard, but once you go to college, you just .,,.dont have a life outside of projects and school. i cant wait for this semester to be over with!!!
i just need to actually work hard and get shit done early this time and not wait till the last minute to do so

Saturday, January 15, 2011

this came in the mail today. i bought this because my one friend has never seen this movie and i was like (*___*)
i remember going to the theaters to watch this movie! my all time favorite movie when i was a kid.

i kinda wanna keep it now (>.>),..,and give my friends something else. but shit i can find another copy and order that one for myself!! lol